With modern ERP software like Sage X3 managing just about every aspect of your business, you're probably in the system for a good chunk of the day. Bouncing back and forth between the mouse and the keyboard to access various menus, fields and functions can get tedious - especially if you find yourself doing "heads down" data entry from time to time. That's where these Sage X3 Keyboard Shortcuts come in handy and save you a ton of time.
Sage X3 Keyboard Shortcuts (Updated)
It's important to note that with the release of Sage X3 Version 12 (Patch 18), some of the keyboard shortcuts have been updated. So even if you're familiar with some of the keyboard combinations from older versions, it's worth taking a look at this updated list.
Right Panel Actions
Page & Records Navigation Shortcuts
- ESC + 1 - First screen Tab
- ESC + 2 - Second screen Tab
- ESC + 3 - Third screen tab
- ESC + 4 - Fourth screen tab
- ESC + UP ARROW - Moves one section up
- ESC + DOWN ARROW - Moves one section down
- PAGE UP - Scrolls one frame up
- PAGE DOWN - Scrolls one frame down
- UP ARROW - Scrolls one line up
- DOWN ARROW - Scrolls one line down
- ESC + SHIFT + J - First record
- ESC + J - Previous record
- ESC + K - Next record
- ESC + SHIFT + K - Last record
Sage X3 Table and Field Actions
Table Actions
Field Actions
- ESC + INS - Inserts a new line
- ESC + DEL - Deletes a line
- ESC + R - Expand / Shrink all columns
Field Actions
- ESC + F4 - Allows to navigagte within fields with lookups
- ESC + F9 - Allows to tunnel on fields with the ability to tunnel
- ESC + F12 - Alows to navigate fields with dropdown menus
Miscellaneous Sage X3 Shortcuts
- ESC + S - Opens the search function
- ESC + W + Z - Reset a users preferences
- ESC + T - Set date to today's date
- ESC + F6 - Opens the field properties
- ESC + Q - Go to the first filtered row
- ESC + F1 - Get function help when you have no focus (no cursor on a field) and field help if you are focused on a field